Sunday, September 16, 2007


It has always been my dream to start a business and create a company that would grow out to become the worlds largest. Another big dream is to build the worlds tallest building which would be my companies' HQ. These dreams are like aiming for the sky, more than sky and the dream still remains a dream. Will power is one thing that can do wonders but it is not possible to make the will power work out ones fantasies. The dream is a fantacy and the first step has not been taken yet. Will it ever work out? Will it always remain a dream? -----I am the one who decide that, cause I beleive that god resides within ourselves. If one has lost hope and beleif in himself then not even god would save him. So here I decide to make my dreams a reality. The first step is to name the company, i think it would be a combination of some greek alphabets...

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